cranky, Ticked Off, writing

Things on social media that annoy me right now

I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night, so I’m kinda cranky and I thought it would be a good day to talk about the things that are annoying me. I feel like maybe I’ve done a post like this before but I don’t care – these are the things on my mind and I’m gonna talk about them. And because I’m feeling tired and lazy, I’m going to list them in bullet form. (I’d like to thank several different accounts on social media for the inspiration for this post. No, I’m not naming which ones.)

  • When you try to tell a joke, but someone thinks you’re serious. This just happened to a friend of mine on IG today. She posted this really clever photo with an obvious joke in it and someone was all “well here’s what I think you should do…” Not everything is a problem for you to solve, Brenda! Here’s a dollar, go buy yourself a sense of humor.
  • You can’t just be a little bit into something, you have to be completely consumed by it. (I feel like maybe I have talked about this before, or at least it’s something I’ve considered writing about) If you like to read, you can’t just read a book once a month, nooooo, you have to have a whole freaking bookshelf of books you’ve bought but haven’t read or you have so many books that you don’t have room for a sofa or a coffee table…you apparently must have a problem staying out of bookstores. Or if you like coffee then ERMAHGERD you must always have tons of coffee t-shirts telling everyone how much you love coffee and your kitchen must be decorated in coffee paraphernalia and you must always have a coffee cup in your hand! Jeez Louise, can we just calm down a little bit the fanaticism? Like what you like, but don’t feel like you have to BECOME that thing. Sheesh.
pile of books in shallow focus photography
If your living room doesn’t look like this, then you don’t really like to read. Photo by Pixabay on


  • The trend that seems to glorify hating your kids. “Haha! My kids are such assholes, they’ve totally wrecked my body and my life and I can’t even pee without those little jerks banging on the doors!” “I just want to drink wine and forget that I have kids, haha!” “Oh man my kids are the worst – can’t wait until they move away and I never have to see them again!” I mean, I get it, kids are tough and those years when they are little are REALLY TOUGH but if you don’t like being around your kids – it’s probably your own fault and I’m sure you aren’t the only one who doesn’t want to be around them. It’s going to be great for their self-esteem when they get old enough to read your posts on their own someday. And yes I realize these people most likely don’t really think their kids are jerks and are just joking but man, I get tired of seeing this over and over on social media. Also, being annoyed with your kids once in a while is normal – making a whole “thing” of it, however, is not.
  • (This one is going to tick someone off, I can just feel it) Youngish women who cuss. A lot. “I like to say the F word and all the other cuss words a lot because I’m a Badass woman who can do whatever she wants so I’m going to throw a bunch of cuss words into all my posts so you’ll be impressed with me and think I’m cool!” Oh Jiminy Crickets…this is the equivalent of  wearing sunglasses inside…at night. No one thinks you’re super cool because of your creative use of the F word. And please, if one more of these people links to that post that says people who cuss a lot are smarter than people who don’t, or people who cuss have bigger vocabularies..I’m going to have a meltdown (this is also sort of related to my second bullet point – okay we get it, you like to cuss, calm down). I will admit that I throw some saucy words around too occasionally (see bullet point above), but I don’t do it in every single post on social media or in every conversation. If that’s your shtick…well good luck and Godspeed; I won’t be following your account anymore.
Me today. And most days.  (I don’t know who to credit this photo to) 

Let’s see what else is annoying me…Oh yeah. This has nothing to do with social media but:

  • When the recipe calls for 2 1/2 cups of flour but I accidentally leave out 1 cup of flour and my cookies don’t turn out right. That really burns my biscuits ( or cookies, in this case) because I haven’t had homemade cookies in a really long time and I was really looking forward to it. I mean, I can still eat them, but they’re just not the same.

So what we’ve learned here today is that 1) I need to go through and cull some of my social media feeds, 2) I really need to get a good night’s sleep tonight, and 3) I should always make sure I’m following the recipe.

Do you find that you suddenly get annoyed with things on social media? Have you ever messed up a recipe so bad, but you ate the food anyway? Do tell!!


Ticked Off

Cranky lifestyle

Since the bad mood has filtered its way into day 3, there’s something I just have to get off my chest…


                               It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change!”


I am so sick to death of this phrase that if I hear it one more time, I’m going to go Britney and shave my head in a total freak out.  Who was the marketing moron who came up with this?  Eating healthier and working out, are just that – eating healthier and working out.  I don’t think I need to overhaul my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE just to be a little bit healthier, do I?  No.


A lifestyle change for me would be if I suddenly became a vegetarian lesbian.  THAT’S a lifestyle change, but eating a few more salads and walking a few times a week – not so much.  (And if you are a vegetarian lesbian, great, more power to you!  You go be the best veggie lesbian you can be and I’ll continue to be the best hetero carnivore I can be.) 


My lifestyle is dictated by factors other than what I eat and how often (or not) I work out.  Let’s say I do lose 50 pounds in a year.  Will my lifestyle really be that different than it is now?  I’ll still have the same husband, the same kids, and the same house.  I’ll still have tons of laundry to do, my bathroom will still be slightly disgusting, and my car will most likely still be the same POS it is now.  I will still get up and come to work everyday and I will have to cook dinner most every night.   My lifestyle will be the same, my ass will just be smaller, that’s all.    


Yes, yes I know that with weight loss come a certain amount of self esteem and self confidence that can lead a person to do things s/he would not normally have done previously – run a marathon, take a trip, etc.  But does it REQUIRE a change in lifestyle in order to happen?  NO! 


Telling overweight people that they have to overhaul their whole entire lives in order to be healthy is not the  way to get someone off the couch and into a gym.  However,  if “they” were to tell people, “yes you can do this, you just have to find a way to make it fit into your daily life”, I could get on board with that, but if you tell me I have to change my lifestyle? Forget it; I like my lifestyle, which is why I choose to live it everyday. 


Diet has become a four letter word these days, and no one wants to admit they are on a “diet” anymore, but the term “lifestyle change” is just a euphemism for diet, so what’s the difference?  Can we please just go back to using the word “diet”?  It takes fewer syllables to say and it’s a term we all understand. 


I’ll go first – my DIET consists of mostly healthy foods with a few junky items thrown in for good measure.  I work out a little, not as much as I would like, but I get it in when I can.  I am losing weight, albeit slowly, but I’m finding ways to work these things in to my already jam-packed days. 


And doing it this way fits my lifestyle just fine, thank you very much.